Well, well, well due to Phil trying to beat the odds we are back for a second week of playoffs analysis.
I'll keep it brief. It's only worth noting that this is based on the current standings of points for because by the looks of things we're going down to points for to determine the wild-card slot! Here are the predicted of making the playoffs for each team:
Team |
Playoff Odds |
The Dream Team |
100.00% |
Tom’s Tyrants |
100.00% |
100.00% |
The Tuckfards |
52.96% |
Burdettinators |
25.48% |
Obi Wan Ganobi |
12.08% |
3.48% |
Forge Flyers |
3.16% |
Bear Necessities |
2.52% |
50 Trent |
0.00% |
Gridiron Gang |
0.00% |
Patistan |
0.00% |
And the individual matchup odds:
Team A |
Chance of Beating |
Team B |
44.77% |
Burdettinators |
Obi Wan Ganobi |
58.53% |
Gridiron Gang |
Tom’s Tyrants |
54.65% |
Bear Necessities |
Turn Down For Watt |
46.91% |
The Tuckfards |
The Dream Team |
61.74% |
Forge Flyers |
Patistan |
36.39% |
Andy Dalton Red Zone |
Team |
Points For |
Points Against |
Tom's Tyrants |
1546.16 |
1468.46 |
The Dream Team |
1518.78 |
1317.1 |
Andy Dalton Red Zone |
1463.58 |
1382.22 |
The Tuckfards |
1458.08 |
1356.12 |
Burdettinators |
1415.8 |
1361.78 |
Obi Wan Ganobi |
1391.3 |
1328.36 |
Bear Necessities |
1359.76 |
1304.72 |
50 Trent |
1319.04 |
1406.86 |
Forge Flyers |
1307.54 |
1313.02 |
1202.58 |
1268.4 |
Gridiron Gang |
1157.26 |
1479.66 |
Patistan |
1148.96 |
1302.14 |
Not entirely sure why the Bear Necessities have lower odds than FF and IKNAN given their projected points for ranking. It must be something to do with the combination of matchups which lead to their victory being slightly smaller but you can read 2.52% or 3.5% as pretty damn low odds!
We still see The Tuckfards and the Burdettinators leading the charge for the playoffs with their projected rankings of 4 and 5 respectively. As discussed on the group chat, The Tuckfards 40 point lead over even the Burdettinators means that the edge is still strongly in The Tuckfard's favour but only if they win! At 6.18% odds over evens that he'll come out with the win it's certainly not a done deal and we could certainly see the Burdettinators stomp IKSAN and perhaps the league with a 120+ win. It also gives insight to the rise of Obi Wan Ganobi as a team in the mix sitting in 6th overall on points.
Here are the charts for the matchups:
Burdettinators vs IKSAN |
Obi Wan Ganobi vs Gridiron Gang |
Patistan vs ADRZ |
The Dream Team vs Forge Flyers |
Tom's Tyrants vs Bear Necessities |
50 Trent vs The Tuckfards |
Next week I will be predicting the winners of the LOC 2018 - hopefully with some extra analysis depending on my promptness - along with a drop in on the podcast so stay tuned!
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